Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Queer Fayre - Spring

Interactive Monster Unit will be at the Spring Queer Fayre.

Guests! You are invited to add to our Secret Monster Magazine (hidden in the dusty jaws of the long-hibernated Monster Power Book), draw your own magic monster eye and stick it on your head or your arm or anywhere you like!, swap monster tales and parallel lo fi goofiness.

Zines (Squid, International Nobody, Dorothy Damage, Seth Corbin), postcards, prints etc on the menu also!

The Queer Fayre - SPRING
Royal Vauxhall Tavern on Saturday 5th April
RSVP and more details

Typical Girls - Girl Heroes in Children's Books - A Zine by Dorothy Damage

If you like the idea of Girl Heroes, then this zine by Dorothy Damage is just the ticket.

   Each summary of the plot/female protagonist is accompanied by Dorothy's intricately  
   hand drawn illustrations. People LOVE them so grab your copy (and 5 extra for your  
   friends!) at the next zine fair before they sell out!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

DIY Cultures

Interactive Monster Unit will be zine tabling at
DIY Cultures
on Sunday 25th May at the Rich Mix!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

"Monsterpedia - Volume 2" - A Zine by International Nobody

"International Nobody makes pictures for walls, floors and ceilings. Sometimes people think about buying them."

Message to rebels and those who operate under the laws of reverse psychology...
Don't even THINK ABOUT IT!

To everyone else: Procure International Nobody's work before Charles Saatchi snatches it right out of your hands!

"Yoghurt Pots" - A Zine by Squid

"Yoghurt Pots" is a zine of microscopic stories, including conversations between coats, sweets, tiny people under a baking sun, out of date prawns, emo ads, illustrated puns, and the world's most famous transguy carrot, Mr. Carrot and his mother's irrepressible beagle in three-panel comic-strips.

"Where Are My Star Shoes" - A Zine by Stephanie Dogfoot

"Where Are My Star Shoes" - A Poetry Zine by Stephanie Dogfoot, with illustrations by Squid. Stephanie's poetry is cunning, sleek and burns with lashings of humour and dark wit. She graced us with co-guest zining in December before travelling back to Singapore.

"Fox and Bear The Unlikely Pair" - A Zine By Seth Corbin

"Fox and Bear - The Unlikely Pair - A Silent Comic" by musician and artist Seth Corbin. Philosophical and mysterious (wordless) with brilliant drawings.